Friday 20 May 2016


You wake up in the morning, brush your teeth, freshen up and come out. Hold on, this is not going to be so boring. Come with me, to where my words will take you for the next few seconds of your life.

You are in your bathroom, and you start laughing, and you laugh like there's nobody else watching, like there's something that always stops you from laughing outside, and the best part is, you laugh without a reason.

Suddenly, all the stillness inside you is captured within the noise of your laughter. You cannot stop laughing.

And then, you come out of it and stop laughing and everything becomes normal.

Why don't you really try this, and let yourself know that there's a world, an utopia in which you, your laughter , and nothing else exists. You're completely alone and the locked bathroom door makes sure that no one ever crosses your utopian world. I'm not saying that this will give you a magical power or let you fly, but it might let you know something about you that you have still not discovered.

It's weird what I wrote up there, but that's just natural and weird need for me to write at times.